Trio in Curio
Silk screened typographic posters created over the course of 15 months for a live weekly jazz series at Curio in Chicago. Plastered all over the city the posters became a recognizable icon for the series. From February through June 2012 Curio requested that flyers also be made. The solution was to integrate the flyer text into the poster design. Posters were displayed whole while others were cut apart and distributed as flyers.
Rather than brand this series and be beholden to a specific style and aesthetic I chose to re-invent the poster each time, creating something new yet familiar. This series culminated in a one month residency and live recording sessions that led to the very first International Anthem Recording Co. release and birthed that Chicago label.
Rather than brand this series and be beholden to a specific style and aesthetic I chose to re-invent the poster each time, creating something new yet familiar. This series culminated in a one month residency and live recording sessions that led to the very first International Anthem Recording Co. release and birthed that Chicago label.